How to check Canada Visa is original or fake

Many people try for visa application individually or through agent. Most of the time the new traveller opt the help of agents to apply for visa and these new travellers are the targets for fake agents. Most of the time people are not aware about the application process and need the assistance of professional visa service.

Many times agents give you fake visa instead of original one. Now it is difficult for the person to recognize the difference between original and fake visa. But before we go to the technical differentiation of the visa it is very obvious that if the agent handovers you the visa without asking any other important documents or no medical test is conducted then definitely the agent is bluffing you. So always have that alert mind and stay away from such agents. Approaching professional service like DIMS India can help you in getting the better understanding about Canada visa and process.

Now we will see the technical differentiation points which will definitely be help you to differentiate between original and fake visa.

  • Format of the Visa: First thing to note is the standard format. If any of your friend or known person has got the Canada visa recently then you can verify that the standard format in your visa is followed or not.
  • Font: The font used for the required information to be filled is very standard and strictly followed in original visa. While you may see the unevenness in fake visa.
  • Information Title: the title of the information is mentioned in English as well as in French. So you have to check the correctness of the French words used in the visa.
  • Watermarked Information: In the original visa the surname, passport number and expiry date is watermarked at the left side of the visa. Check whether it is followed in your visa or not. Moreover, the visa also has the official stamp of Canadian embassy.

About DIMS:

Diverse Immigration Services is one of the leading immigration consultants in India offering complete assistance for students, skilled workers, and residents. From application process to post-landing, DIMS India ensures that its applicants have hassle free journey until they reside. Presently, the company offers visa and immigration to all the leading nations under study visa, invest visa and travel visa which makes them the best immigration consultant in Delhi.


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